Thursday, July 30, 2015

Emma: Two

Eating: Emma's favorite meal of the day is still breakfast. The girl can inhale her breakfast food and even asks for seconds and thirds. She's also quite the grazer throughout the day - loves to snack. If she had it her way, she would have a snack cup filled at all times. She is also obsessed with cookies and asks for one at least twenty times a day. Lunch and dinner she kind of picks around, but does a pretty decent job. Is not a fan of sandwiches. Usually have to bribe her to take a few bites.

Sleeping: Still taking one nap that is usually two to three hours in length. Going to bed around 7:30 and either falls right to sleep or takes 45 minutes to fall asleep. Either way, she is so good with bedtime and usually says "okay" when we tell her it is time for bed. She is stalling though and wanting lots of books read, prayers, multiple drinks of water and lots of kisses. Good thing she is so cute that we usually don't mind :)

Development: At Emma's two year check up, she weighed in at 25 pounds 6 ounces (33rd percentile) and 35.5 inches (93rd percentile) in length. Since my last post when I thought Emma wasn't learning more in the talking department, she has taken off big time. Learning new words daily and repeating more after everyone. I can't believe I was ever concerned on that, how silly.

She's becoming more coordinated and likes to walk up and down stairs like an adult and can kind of throw a ball/catch it. She's also good at putting together puzzles. Now if only we could get her to learn numbers (other than one and two), colors and her name.

Likes/Dislikes: Her dislikes are pretty typical for her age: when she doesn't get what she wants. Ha. She has perfected the fake cry and whining. If we cave in, she usually does this evil-ish laugh that is kind of her way of saying "Haha, you suckers!".

Emma LOVES playing kitchen, like seriously does it all day long. She pretends makes food for everyone and acts like she washes her hands/dishes. She's also still loving on her baby dolls and being very motherly. She feeds them, burps them and walks around the house "ssshhhing" them to sleep. It's absolutely adorable.

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