Friday, February 20, 2015

28 Weeks

Hello third trimester!

Weight gain with Emma: 12 lbs     Baby #2: 15 lbs

I had an OB appointment last week and the lovely glucose test (I passed!). Her heartbeat was in the 160's and I measured two weeks ahead. Oops! She assured me this is common in subsequent pregnancies, but I am sure that was to rest any fears. I have my next appointment on March 10 where we may do another ultrasound if she isn't moving more by then. She will also check me to make sure nothing is progressing before giving the okay for me to potentially fly and travel with the team for NCAA tournament.

I am happy to report that physical therapy has been extremely helpful. I am now down to going once a week but have found 6 days is about the max I can go before being in a lot of pain again. My therapist is great and spends a good 20 minutes pushing everything back into place followed by a low back rub. There are still days that are rough, but not to the point of tears and falling to my knees in pain. Thank goodness! We did realize that my pain is starting to go down my back left side down to my knee and that may be sciatica, but I'll talk to my OB about that in a couple of weeks.

We have officially decided on a name for this little one and are excited to share it all with you....once she is born. We talked this morning about trying to teach Emma it prior to the arrival, but thought that would end up blowing up in our face. So for the time being, it will be kept between Matt and I.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear her name! And I'm happy to hear you're feeling better.
